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I tried your test for green/red color blindness and it worked pretty well. The URL I submitted was, which has lots of colors, red included. I like it!
-Norma M.
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VischeckJ - Run Vischeck Anywhere

To run VischeckJ, first install ImageJ, then download VischeckJ.

Note: Installation instructions are also available in Japanese, courtesy of Masataka Okabe.

VischeckJ is a plugin for the ImageJ image processing program from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Both ImageJ and VischeckJ are free. Because ImageJ is written in Java, it will run on most common operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Macintosh OS, and (our favorite) Linux. And because VischeckJ runs under ImageJ, you can now use Vischeck on any of these operating systems as well!

To run VischeckJ you first need to install ImageJ. You can get ImageJ from the NIH site.

Then install the VischeckJ plugin in the ImageJ plugin folder. Do this by copying the VischeckJ files to the 'Plugins' folder in your ImageJ directory. It's a bit like installing a photoshop plugin.

Now you can run ImageJ. The VischeckJ plugin will appear under the 'Plugins' menu.

ImageJ running under Windows

Selecting this menu option will bring up the VischeckJ control panel.

VischeckJ control panel

You can simulate any of the 3 types of color blindness on the selected image by hitting the appropriate button. Here's an example of the ImageJ sample image 'fluorescent cells' as seen by a deuteranope.

deuteranope simulation of flourescent cells

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