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User quotes:
Kudos! I downloaded the Photoshop plug-in and also tried the online tool. These are simply WONDERFUL! Colour limitations of our users have always been a challenge for us developing usable software. The tools you provide suddenly make life so very simple!
-Dr. S.D.
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Try Vischeck on Your Image Files

Select the type of color vision to simulate:

deutan hats Deuteranope (a form of red/green color deficit)
protan hats Protanope (another form of red/green color deficit)
tritan hats Tritanope (a blue/yellow deficit- very rare)

Image file:


  • Vischeck accepts most common image formats. However, we recommend that you use PNG or JPEG format for uploading large images as these tend to transfer faster.
  • For PowerPoint slides, you can save all your slides as PNG images with "Save As..." and run Vischeck on each slide.
  • If you have many images to process, consider downloading Vischeck to run on your own computer.)
  • Uploading a large file may take a while - please be patient!

Privacy policy. Contact: Last modified 2018-Jan-08 13:58 GMT.